
  1. Limesand SW and Goyal R. Epigenetic Modifications Guide Maturational Process in Rat Pancreatic Islets. Endocrinology. 2022 Jan 1;163(1):bqab243. Doi: 10.1210/endocr/bqab243. PMID 34849676
  2. Goyal D, Goyal R. Angiogenic Transformation in Human Brain Micro Endothelial Cells: Whole Genome DNA Methylation and Transcriptomic Analysis. Front Physiol. Epub 2020/01/11. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01502. PubMed PMID: 31920707; PMCID: PMC6917667.
  3. Yates DT, Camacho LE, Kelly AC, Steyn LV, Davis MA, Antolic AT, Anderson MJ, Goyal R, Allen RE, Papas KK, Hay WW, Jr., Limesand S.W. Postnatal beta2 Adrenergic Treatment Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Lambs with IUGR but not Persistent Defects in Pancreatic Islets or Skeletal Muscle. J Physiol. 2019. Epub 2019/10/31. doi: 10.1113/JP278726. PubMed PMID: 31665811.
  4. Goyal D, Limesand SW, Goyal R. Epigenetic responses and the developmental origins of health and disease. The Journal of endocrinology. 2019;242(1):T105-T19. Epub 2019/05/16. doi: 10.1530/JOE-19-0009. PubMed PMID: 31091503.
  5. Ducsay C, Goyal R, Pearce WJ, Wilson SM, Xiang-Qun H, and Zhang L. Gestational Hypoxia and Developmental Plasticity. Physiol Rev. 2018 Jul 1;98(3):1241-1334, PMID:29717932
  6. Siebold L, Obenaus A, Goyal R. Criteria to define mild, moderate, and severe traumatic brain injury in the mouse controlled cortical impact model. Exp Neurol. 2018 Jul 12;310:48-57, PMID:30017882
  7. Goyal D, Goyal R. Developmental Maturation and Alpha-1 Adrenergic Receptors-Mediated Gene Expression Changes in Ovine Middle Cerebral Arteries. Sci Rep. 2018 Jan 29;8(1):1772. PMCID: PMC5789090
  8. Mata-Greenwood E, Goyal D, and Goyal R. Comparative and Experimental Studies on the Genes Altered by Chronic Hypoxia in Human Brain Microendothelial Cells. Front. Physiol. 2017:6:365 PMCID: PMC5450043
  9. Kumar M and Goyal R. LincRNA as a Therapeutic Target for Angiogenesis. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2017:17:1-8. PMCID: PMC5421140
  10. Goyal R., Goyal D, Longo, LD, Clyman R. Microarray gene expression analysis in ovine ductus arteriosus during fetal development and birth transition. Pediatric Research. 2016 PMID: 27356085.
  11. Goyal R, Billings TL, Mansour T, Martin C, Baylink D, Longo LD, Pearce WJ, Mata-Greenwood E. Vitamin D status and metabolism in an ovine pregnancy model: effect of long-term high-altitude hypoxia. AJP endocrinology. 2016;310:E1062-71. PMID: 27143557.
  12. Giang M. Papamatheakis DG, Nguyen D, Paez, R, Johnston CB, Kim J, Brunnell A, Blood Q, Goyal R, Longo LD, Wilson SM. Muscarinic-receptor activation affects pulmonary artery contractility in sheep: the impact of maturation and chronic hypoxia on endothelial-dependent and -independent function. High Altitude Medicine. 2016 June; 17(2):122-32. PMID: 27281473.
  13. Goyal R, Goyal D, Longo LD. Metabolic Profiles in Ovine Carotid Arteries with Development and Long-Term Hypoxia. Plos One, 2015, Jun 25;10(6):e0130739. PMID 26110419
  14. Jang EA, Longo LD, Goyal R. Antenatal maternal hypoxia: Criterion for fetal growth restriction in rodents. Front Physiol 2015;6:176. PMID 26106333.
  15. Goyal R, Van-Wickle J, Goyal D, Longo LD. Antenatal maternal low protein diet: ACE-2 in the mouse lung and sexually dimorphic programming of hypertension. BMC Physiol. 2015 May 14;15(1):2. doi: 10.1186/s12899-015-0016-6. PMID: 25971747.
  16. Dobyns AE, Goyal R, Carpenter LG, Freeman TC, Longo LD, Yellon SM. Macrophage Gene Expression Associated with Remodeling of the Prepartum Rat Cervix:Microarray and Pathway Analysis. PLoS One, 2015 10(3):e0119782.PMCID: PMC4374766.
  17. Goyal R, Goyal D, Chu N, Van Wickle J, Longo LD. Cerebral Artery Alpha-1 AR Subtypes: High Altitude Long-Term Acclimatization Responses. PLoS One, 2014 9(11): e112784. PMID: 25393740
  18. Goyal R, Longo LD. Acclimatization to Long-Term Hypoxia: Gene Expression in Ovine Carotid Arteries. Physiol Genomics, 2014, 1;46(19):725-34. PMID: 25052263
  19. Goyal R, Zhang L, Blood AB, Baylink DJ, Longo LD, Oshiro B, Mata-Greenwood E. Characterization of an animal model of pregnancy-induced vitamin D deficiency due to metabolic gene dysregulation. Am J of Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 306:E256-66, 2014. PMID: 24326417
  20. Goyal R, Van Wickle J, Goyal D, Matei N, Longo LD. Antenatal maternal long-term hypoxia: acclimatization responses with altered gene expression in ovine fetal carotid arteries. Plos One, 2013. PMID: 24367503
  21. Goyal R, Wong C, Wickle, JV, Longo LD. Antenatal maternal protein deprivation: Sexually dimorphic programming of the pancreatic renin-angiotensin system. J. Ren Ang Ald Sys. 14:137-145, 2013. PMID: 22898440
  22. Goyal R and Longo LD. Maternal Protein Deprivation: Sexually Dimorphic Programming of Hypertension in the Mouse. Hypertension Res. 36:29-35, 2013. PMID: 22932874
  23. Longo LD and Goyal R. Cerebral Artery Signal Transduction Mechanisms: Developmental Changes in Dynamics and Ca2+ Sensitivity. Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2013 11(5):655-711. PMID: 24063382
  24. Goyal R and Longo LD. Gene Expression in Sheep Carotid Arteries: Major Changes with Maturational Development. Pediatric Res. 72:137-46, 2012. PMID: 22565503
  25. Hartman RE, Kamper J, Goyal R, Stewart JM, Longo LD. Motor and Cognitive Deficits in Mice Bred to have Low or High Blood Pressure. Physiology and Behavior. 105:1092-1097, 2012. PMID: 22154805.
  26. Goyal R, Henderson DA, Chu, N, Longo LD. Ovine Middle Cerebral Artery Characterization and Quantification of Ultrastructure and Other Features: Changes with Development. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 302:R433-445, 2012. PMID: 22116510
  27. Goyal, R., Papamatheakis, D., Loftin, M., Vranchken, K., Dawson, A., Osman, N., Blood, AB, Pearce, W., Longo, L. & Wilson, S. (2011c) Long-Term Maternal Hypoxia: The Role of Extracellular Ca2+ Entry During Serotonin-Mediated Contractility in Fetal Ovine Pulmonary Arteries. Reprod Sci. 18:948-62, 2011. PMID: 21960509
  28. Papamatheakis DG, Vemulakonda S, Blood Q, Goyal R, Rbalcava M, Vrancken K, Bennett A, Dawson A, Osman NJ, Blood AB, Pearce WJ, Longo LD, Wilson SM. Preservation of serotonin-mediated contractility in adult sheep pulmonary arteries following long-term high-altitude hypoxia. High Alt Med Biol. 12:253-64, 2011. PMID: 21962069
  29. Goyal R, Lister R, Leitzke A, Goyal D, Gheorghe CP, Longo LD. Antenatal Maternal Hypoxic Stress: Adaptations of the Placental Renin-Angiotensin System in Mouse. Placenta 32:134-9, 2010. PMID: 21130492
  30. Goyal R, Leitzke A, Goyal D, Gheorghe CP, Longo LD. Antenatal Maternal Hypoxic Stress: Adaptations in Fetal Lung Renin-Angiotensin System. Reproductive Sci. 18(2):180-189, 2011. PMID: 20978179
  31. Goyal R, Mittal A, Chu N, Arthur RA, Zhang L, Longo LD. Maturation and Long-Term Hypoxia-Induced Acclimatization Responses in PKC-Mediated Signaling Pathways in Ovine Cerebral Arterial Contractility. Am J Physiol, 299:R1377-86, 2010. PMID: 20702800
  32. Goyal R, Mittal A, Chu N, Zhang L, Longo LD. Alpha1-Adrenergic Receptor Subtype Function in Fetal and Adult Cerebral Arteries. Am J Physiol, 298:H1797-806, 2010. PMID: 20348219
  33. Goyal R, Yellon S, Longo LD, Greenwood EM, Placental gene expression in a rat ‘model’ of placental insufficiency. Placenta, 31:568-575, 2010. PMID: 20621762
  34. Gheorghe CP, Goyal R, Mittal AS, and Longo LD. Gene expression in the placenta: Maternal stress and epigenetic responses. Intl J Devel Biol, 54:507-523, 2010. PMID: 19876832
  35. Goyal R, Goyal D, Leitzke A, Longo L.D. Brain renin-angiotensin system: Fetal epigenetic programming by maternal low protein diet. Reprod Sci, 17:227-238, 2010. PMID: 19923380
  36. Goyal R, Galffy A, Fields, SA, Mittal A, Longo LD. Maternal protein deprivation-mediated alterations in systemic renin-angiotensin system in fetal mice. Reprod Sci, 16:894-904, 2009. PMID: 19516079
  37. Goyal R, Angermann JE, Ostrovskaya O, Buchholz JN, Smith GD, Wilson, SM. Enhanced capacitative calcium entry and sarcoplasmic-reticulum calcium storage capacity with advanced age in murine mesenteric arterial smooth muscle cells. Exp Gerontol 44:201-207, 2009. PMID: 19017540
  38. Gheorghe CP, Goyal R, Holweger JK, and Longo LD. Placental gene expression responses to maternal protein restriction in the mouse. Placenta, 30(5):411-7, 2009. PMID: 19362366.
  39. Goyal R, Mittal A, Chu N, Zhang L, Longo LD. Maturation and role of PKC-mediated contractility in ovine cerebral arteries Am J Physiol, 294:H2242-52, 2009. PMID: 19749163
  40. Goyal R, Creel KD, Chavis EJ, Smith GD, Longo LD and Wilson SM. Maturation of intracellular calcium homeostasis in sheep pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 295:L905-L914, 2008. PMID: 18776056
  41. Ostrovskaya O, Goyal R, Osman N, McAllister CE, Pessah IN, Hume JR and Wilson SM. Inhibition of ryanodine receptors by 4-(2-aminopropyl)-3,5-dichloro-N,N-ethylaniline (FLA 365) in canine pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 323:381-390, 2007. PMID: 17640951
  42. Goyal R, Desai SV. The Aminopenicillins: Ampicillin and amoxicillin. Pharma Bulletin 4:25, 2003.
  43. Goyal R, Desai SV, Lakhani JD. A survey of the use of essential drugs by physicians. Bulletin of Society of Rational Drug Therapy 14:2, 2003.
  44. Desai SV, Goyal R. Surgical prophylaxis in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Pharma Bulletin 2:12, 2002.